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Benefits of Seasonal and Limited Edition Packaging

Other than the obvious benefit of keeping your products or items safe, packaging is an often untapped part of marketing. This is one way to help make your product stand out and stay in the minds of your customers. However, you can go beyond that and look for new ways to make your product stay unique with packaging and that is through seasonal or limited edition packaging.

Why go for seasonal packaging? 

With so many brands competing in the market, having unique packaging that appeals to the sentiments of the buyers can help boost your sales and put you a cut above the competition. The packaging of your product, be in a box or plastic, will greatly impact the first impression it will give your customers so putting your best foot forward is important. 

Businesses are not the only ones thinking of the holidays, consumers are too. It is no secret that certain seasons bring out more buyers, the holidays being an example.

Appealing to that sentiment, that your business is ready for the holidays with the right packaging, can win you over customers. This can help give excitement towards your brand and help associate your brand with the season. 

Customers are more willing to pay for a premium for products that they perceive have a higher value or that with a limited edition packaging. Investing in the right quality packaging can help achieve this. With seasonal packaging, you can give the customers the feeling that what you are offering is exclusive, making them want to get as to not miss out on the offer. 

Who benefits the most from seasonal packaging? 

While seasonal and limited edition packaging may not work as well selling to businesses, this strategy is very effective for business-to-consumer companies. 

What are the best holidays for seasonal packaging? 

This would greatly depend on your industry as certain industries can benefit more in some seasons. For example, florists and jewelers would capitalize more on Valentines Day than they would for Halloween. The usual holidays businesses should consider creating custom packaging for would be: Valentines, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, and Christmas. 

What are the best ways to implement seasonal packaging for your business? 

The best place to start is to identify your business objectives and how the seasonal packaging can help align with those goals and your brand. What would be the holidays that would most appeal to your customer? What opportunities will the season or holiday present for your brand? These are just some questions to get you started on your marketing campaign. 

Next, you can think of the right promotional strategy that will accompany the kind of goal you have in mind. Figure out how best you can utilize customized packaging for this. 

Then you can think of ways to  get creative with your packaging. This is the perfect time to explore new ideas and have fun with channeling the seasonal festivities. Think about what your customers would appreciate best and make those ideas come to life. You can try to make the packaging more personalized by leaving out a blank for them to gift the product to a loved one. You can also go for a more sustainable route and design the packaging in a way that is reusable for your customers, helping you stand out from the rest of the competition. Allotting the right amount of budget for this and ensuring that you would not overstock is also key and are some considerations to keep in mind. 

The right seasonal packaging is not all about the design, but a part of a bigger marketing promotional campaign that can help boost your product overall. Find the right packaging solutions provider that can help bring your ideas to life. Discover what we at Cr8tive Boxes + Labels can do for you and your business for the upcoming seasons! 

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