A package is every customer’s welcome mat. Not only does it serve a function, but also an integral part of the customer experience. They pick it up, they hold it, they take it home with them—it needs to align with your brand’s values and be distinct and recognizable at the same time. Using packaging to intertwine a tale around your brand is an effective marketing tactic, and recent packaging innovations have created a rich ground for creative packaging solutions. A brand doesn’t need words to tell a story. Just colors, shapes, even the simplest visual cue can already plot a beautiful brand story in people’s minds.
Invoking value on your packaging
To draw attention, the packaging must create a dynamic and engaging story about your brand. It must draw a multitude of features. From the design itself, shape, size, color, and other technical features, it creates a harmonious relationship between the brand and the customer. More importantly, given today’s worsening global climate, it must encompass the materials used in creating packaging. Is it recyclable or reusable? Simple or grand? Each aspect of packaging works together to simply speak bigger volumes about the product.
Communicate your brand values to your target audience
Always consider the overall body of work of your brand. It must speak to what your brand stands for. If your packaging is from an eco-conscious brand, create a recyclable package that highlights your green commitments. If your packaging is from a wholesome, family-oriented brand, create a feel-good look that would endear your customers. The packaging you land on needs to reflect your brand visually. Create a list of qualities and values you want your brand to be associated with and visualize where you are taking your packaging to.
Value of emotive packaging
Product packaging is the basepoint between a brand and the customer. It is an opportunity for the brand to reach out to the customer through the form of packaging. This creates a conversation without speaking a word. It’s the brand’s platform to foster a positive relationship with the consumer. It should highlight the value of premium packaging for the brand’s growth. Your packaging must create an engagement that converts a one-time customer into a loyal one through positive brand experience. What really matters most is little things that can pack a punch, and that includes extra-special packaging.
Brands that tell stories
Your customers and fans are your audiences. What type of product packaging do you think will click most to them? From colors, shapes, sizes, texts, and imagery, each must create an appeal to your audience. Some of your audience will look for the logo, some with words, and some with an overall look. These, in general, will help them decide whether to buy or not to buy your product. It’s all about knowing who you’re selling to. Once you do, the rest will come far more easily.
Packaging offers a tangible way to help your company connect with your customers and prospects. They can see, touch, and even feel your packaging. Customers need to recognize your products before they build trust and loyalty to your brand. Find your brand’s voice and tell its story—your product packaging depends on it.
Here at Cr8tive Boxes + Labels, we offer a variety of packaging solutions to help you connect with your target audience. Know more about us or request a quote now!