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10 Crazy Facts About Packaging


The packaging industry is full of surprises. Over the years there have been countless innovations and breakthroughs in the packaging world that made nearly unimaginable things come to life. From self-chilling cans to single-use plastic alternatives, more and more packaging innovations are coming in and out of the market every day.

On this blog, we will share with you some of the little known facts and trivia about the packaging world so you can have an idea of how cool it actually is. Buckle up for a fun-fact adventure.

#1 Coca Cola is the most recognized brand in the world

coca cola

This fact may not be a stranger to you. But what you may not know is that 94% of the world’s population recognizes the brand Cola cola based on an article published by Business Insider. On top of that, Coca-Cola is the second most understood word next to “okay”. Fascinating, isn’t it?

Aside from being the world’s most successful brand, Coca-cola is now on the move to being one of the world’s most responsible and sustainable companies today too

#2 Zero-waste packaging is real

recyclable packaging

Universal Biopack from Thailand, developed a formula using natural plant life such as bamboo and cassava as materials for packaging. Their ultimate goal is to cut down consumer’s wastes and eliminate the use of plastic.

The company aims to share this formula with food establishments and restaurants around Thailand and hopefully around the world in hopes to eventually replace plastic packaging.

#3 Coffee smell is not exactly what you think

coffee jar

According to studies, coffee has one of the most seductive and attractive scents. What makes it smell tempting is not exactly common knowledge. The intense aroma that reaches your nose after you open a coffee jar is a special type of spray hidden under a lid.

And certain reports today say that if you can’t seem to smell coffee or any food in particular, it may be a sign of COVID-19. It’s best to advise your doctor regarding this for your own safety.

#4 Self-Chilling Cans

self-chilling cans

The Joseph Company has finally made a way to instantly cool up your drinks through a self-chilling can. Yes, a self-chilling can. What you only need to do is turn the can upside down, twist the base off to release the liquefied CO2 that acts as the coolant, and wait for 75 to 90 seconds for it to get cold. Plus, the can is 100% recyclable.

#5 Apple’s Secret


Unboxing an Apple product can be so much fun. The minimal designs and the legendary apple logo outside the box can already arouse you to excitement. The secret is that Apple built a whole culture around the packaging alone. They actually designed a special headquarters to house their new amazing packages.

#6 Bread can last up to 40 days

atmosphere packaging

Baked goods don’t last too long. It definitely won’t without Cryovac’s modified atmosphere package that allows the bread to last for more than 40 days. This type of packaging also prevents consumers from cross-contamination and protects the food during the shipment process.

#7 Cardboard boxes are more than 100 years’ old

carboard box

The Cardboard box is one of the oldest packaging means. It was patented way back in 1856 and the cardboard shipping box in 1903. It’s the same year the first fossil from the earliest human civilization was found in Germany. Can you imagine it’s that old? It certainly is!

Learn more about how cardboard boxes are invented here.

#8 Compostable Coffee Capsule

compostable coffee

A Compostable Coffee Capsule known as Gea was made to lessen waste associated with coffee. The capsule delivers coffee grounds and is the first-ever compostable coffee capsule made from 100% Ingeo. It is shelf-stable and helps in protecting the coffee from oxygen to preserve its original taste.

#9 Nike created its first shoebox out of a trash


In early 2017, Nike created a shoebox entirely made from recycled materials, such as cartons, coffee lids, and bottles. It was a collaboration with Taiwanese architect and engineer Arthur Huang for their Air Max shoe design launching that year.

#10 Your brand is defined in seven seconds

face creams

It only takes seven seconds for someone to either move away or put the product on the cart. In this time, a customer has already created an impression about the brand. Therefore, packaging and visual communication should be a priority.

Were you surprised by our fun-facts? Visit our website so you can read more interesting facts and ideas about packaging and other packaging innovations. Or if you’re looking for a packaging supplier, we offer a variety of packaging solutions from accessory boxesrejuvenating boxeslip tint boxesfood boxesperfume boxespharmaceutical boxessoap boxescorrugated boxpaper bagshangtags to sticker labels. Know more about us or request a quote now!

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